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Materials relating to the resignation and reinstatement of President Teresa Sullivan

We are all Virginians, please help UVa

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We are all Virginians, please help UVa

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Dear Senators and Delegates of Virginia,
I am a native Virginian, a current resident of Virginia, and a 1990 graduate of the University of Virginia School of Architecture. In the last 25 years of service on several national and international educational non-profit boards I have never seen such poor leadership as exhibited over the past two weeks at the University of Virginia. I am appalled at the actions of some on the Board of Visitors and gravely concerned about the future of UVa. Since graduating I have supported my school in finances and spirit. I no longer intend to do so unless this shameful debacle is repaired.

The one bright spot in all of this is the absolute and resolute unity of the faculty, alumni, students, staff, parents and friends of UVa to reinstate President Sullivan, to accept Rector Dragas' resignation, and to ensure better and more representative governance in the future. Yesterday our Governor told us "few" to "please stop" expressing our opinion and "fomenting division" on these matters. I am certain Thomas Jefferson would not have stopped until this wrong is righted, for he wrote: "When wrongs are pressed because it is believed they will be borne, resistance becomes morality."

I and over 15,378 others have come together on Facebook. We will gather this Sunday to "Rally for Honor" from 2-4pm on the Lawn. Those of us who cannot attend in person will do so virtually. Some have even sent a video:

The Faculty Senate has issued a no confidence vote in the Board of Visitors and called for the reinstatement of President Sullivan, the resignation of Rector Dragas, and faculty involvement in the Board of Visitors:

The Deans of the Colleges, the Dean of Admissions, and the University Librarian requested "that the Board of Visitors (BOV) reconsider their decision of June 8, 2012 and restore Teresa A. Sullivan to the position of President of the University of Virginia."

UVa faculty who are also alumni have written "the forced resignation of Teresa Sullivan represents the most serious threat to the academic integrity, intellectual reputation, and national standing of the University in modern history." They have called for "Rector Helen Dragas to follow the Vice Rector's lead and resign immediately" and for "President Teresa Sullivan's reinstatement." They further state that the "Board has failed to follow proper procedures and has shown an utter disregard for the institution's commitment to shared governance."

The Richmond Times Dispatch reports that the "widening turmoil also has caught the attention of the commission that accredits the university. Belle S. Wheelan, president of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges, said Thursday that she intends to send U.Va. a letter next week requesting more information to determine whether the university is out of compliance with some accreditation standards."

And if that were not enough, the American Association of University Professors has authorized an investigation into the situation at UVa And they have called upon the Board of Visitors to reconsider its decision:

We are not a "few." We are not divided. And our honor requires that we not "stop" until this is resolved and stability and truth is restored to our University. To those of you already taking action on this matter, thank you, for in the absence of sound leadership by some of our Board of Visitors, the Virginia General Assembly must help guide and protect the greatest resource of the Commonwealth: an educated citizenry.

Though I am not a direct constituent of all of you, we are all Virginians. I thus implore you to help in whatever manner is just,

Thank you,

Christine G. H. Franck
UVA School of Architecture, 1990
President, Christine G. H. Franck, Inc.
Trustee, Institute of Classical Architecture & Art
Trustee, National Civic Art Society
Adjunct Associate Professor of Architecture, University of Notre Dame

613 Fairfax Way
Williamsburg, VA

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We are all Virginians, please help UVa


Christine G. H. Franck


Entire Virginia General Assembly


, “We are all Virginians, please help UVa,” Sullivan Archive, accessed March 14, 2025,

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